Better Transport and a Greener Environment

Since 2017 I have campaigned for better outdoor and green spaces, as well as improving our transport network, including:

An improved road network including a long-term solution to Gallows Corner, less congestion at the Dartford Crossing, better road surfacing

Gallows Corner has been a concern of local residents for many years and I have been lobbying the Government and the Mayor of London for improvements to this important junction. Following meetings with the Secretary of State for Transport, it was announced in October 2018 that the junction had been shortlisted as one of five potential improvement schemes in the Government's Major Road Network programme and as of April 2024, £57m central government funding has been approved for the junction's overhaul.

The new Lower Thames Crossing is being constructed to provide another river crossing east of Dartford to reduce congestion and make journeys between Essex and Kent easier. We have been actively engaged with the LTC project team to secure broader benefits from the scheme for our constituency.

We have successfully secured more cash from central government to improve road surfaces via a bigger Pot Hole Fund. 

A transport system that is more accessible to disabled and elderly residents, including a campaign for more lifts at our stations

Given the high proportion of over-65s in Hornchurch and Upminster, as well as a rapidly growing young population, accessibility to transport is a significant issue. I have been actively pressing Network Rail for the urgent completion of Crossrail Complimentary Works at Harold Wood station, to restore access to the main ticket hall and step-free access. 

In Upminster, I am campaigning for step-free access to be provided to platform 6 at Upminster Station, currently the only platform without step-free access at the station. I have been petitioning local constituents and I am thankful for the 1,000+ who have signed my petition for this. Unfortunately, station operator C2C was not successful in their initial bid for funding for this project, however, I continue to lobby government for funding for this project. I have successfully lobbied TfL to provide train departure boards for District Line services from Upminster station, advising from which platform the next train will be departing and where. This will be helpful to those with mobility issues that otherwise had to use stairs/lifts to access this information.

I have also written to Ministers in support of campaigns to improve accessibility to other transport modes, including taxis and access for guide dogs.

Regenerated housing estates with new homes of all tenures so that local families can stay close to one another

I successfully lobbied the government to remove the borrowing cap on councils to enable Havering Council to undertake its ambitious estates regeneration programme. This aims to regenerate twelve ageing council estates across the borough and replace them with new homes to buy and rent for local families. I have been actively engaging with the council since to ensure that the developments are responsive to the community's need and delivered in a way that limits disruption to existing tenants. 

Investment in local green spaces as compensation for the Lower Thames Crossing

I have facilitated meetings between the Thames Chase Community Forest and the Lower Thames Crossing project team to ensure that the forest receives investment and is compensated for the disruption from construction. I brought the then Secretary of State for the Environment, Michael Gove MP, to push for a new 'biodiversity net gains' approach which would compel developers to offset any impact on the environment with investment in green spaces and wildlife. I also showed him the successes of Thames Chase in restoring former industrial landscapes and reforestation, as well as their brand new Changing Places facility, enabling disabled visitors to enjoy the outdoors. More information on the visit can be found here.


Update: Palms Hotel

In recent weeks, constituents have brought to Julia Lopez MP's attention rumours circulating on social media that preparations may be being made for the Palms Hotel site to be used as asylum accommodation.

Update on Rainham Lodge Farm

Julia Lopez MP has written to constituents with the below update in connection to Brett Aggregate's proposals for Rainham Lodge Farm.

Update on Rainham Lodge Farm

Last week, Brett’s Planning Director, Mr Treacy, gave a presentation to the Council’s Strategic Planning Committee on Rainham Lodge Farm. This follows Brett’s completion of its pre-application process.