Last week, Brett’s Planning Director, Mr Treacy, gave a presentation to the Council’s Strategic Planning Committee on Rainham Lodge Farm. This follows Brett’s completion of its pre-application process. You can view the presentation’s documents and watch a stream of the meeting here and view the pre application documents here.
Julia has now written to Brett seeking clarification on the points outlined below.
Julia had previously highlighted concerns at the safety of HGVs associated with the site on nearby roads so was pleased to see Mr Treacy announce that Brett will review the junction of Launders Lane/Upminster Road North/Berwick Pond Road/Warwick Road. This is because there is a particular fence which makes this junction unsafe for HGVs and we understand Brett will also be widening areas of Berwick Pond Road. Julia is also aware that there was a suggestion about widening the narrow bridge on Launders Lane which may allow HGVs to pass each other. However, Julia is concerned by Brett's suggestion that there was no data about the strength and condition of these roads to cope with HGVs. Having noted that councillors queried this, Julia has asked whether there will be any proactive engagement with the planning and highways teams to consider this prior to any application being made.
Turning to the site’s operation, Brett confirmed in the Council briefing that the areas closest to affected properties will be quarried first so that they may be restored first. Julia has asked Mr Treacy to outline any expected timescales in which these particular areas of the site will be quarried and restored.
We understand that Brett will be using soil mounds which will be grassed as the main tool to alleviate noise pollution to an ‘acceptable level’. Julia has sought further details on what is deemed an acceptable level of noise and how this differs from the baseline measurements that Brett have already taken from the site. Julia has also sought further advice on what other methods Brett can use to lower noise should soil mounds not reduce noise to the required level. Turning to dust pollution and air quality, Julia is aware from her previous exchanges that Brett would submit a Dust Management Plan alongside any formal application, and have requested more information on the development of this plan and the measures included within it.
Finally, councillors shared their belief that 7am was too early to start works on a Saturday. Julia shares this concern; particularly as nearby households face disruption from 7am for Saturdays for a number of years. Julia has therefore asked Brett to consider delaying the start time on a Saturday and sought further clarification on whether HGVs must be concentrated during the winter hours, as Mr Treacy confirmed Brett would not be working out of daylight hours.